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Plans & Reports

Internal Reports

Agency on Aging Strategic Plan 

In a post-pandemic world, two factors continue to impact the landscape of the aging network and its ability to continue delivering quality services. First is the lingering impact of COVID on the needs of aging adults and people with disabilities. As COVID resources expire, the need remains high and continues to impact our abilities to provide quality, low-cost services that allow older adults to age in the place of their choosing. 

Second is the aging of the population as a whole. Today, there are already more Americans ages 65 and older — just over 49 million, according to the U.S. Census — than ever before, and they represent the largest and most diverse older adult population in American history. That trend will increase as the Baby Boomer generation (individuals born between 1946 and 1964) continues to age.

This Strategic Plan charts a course to position ourselves to better address the health-related social needs of the folks who reside in our seven-county service area.

2024-26 Agency on Aging Area 4 Strategic Plan.pdf
Annual Reports 

We are proud to share our most recent Annual Reports, which outline our agency’s direct and funded programs, accomplishments, impact, and progress toward achieving an age-ist and able-ist free society.

2023-24 Agency on Aging Area 4 Annual Report.pdf2022-23 Agency on Aging Area 4 Annual Report.pdf2021-22 Agency on Aging Area 4 Annual Report.pdf2020-21 Agency on Aging Area 4 Annual Report.pdf
Area Plans 

All Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) employ a planning process that involves three major elements. 

1. Needs Assessment

Needs Assessments are done to better understand the challenges older adults are experiencing relative to their ability to maintain independence with safety, health, and dignity. These reports determine the top needs of older adults in the seven-county service region, presents those needs in rank order, and offers general recommendations for addressing senior needs.

The Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults (CASOA):

California CASOA Instrument 2023 FINAL.pdfAAA4 CASOA-final-report Nov 2023.pdfCASOA Survey Results by County 2023.pdf

2. Area Plan

Second, each AAA determines how best to utilize its resources to address the needs and challenges that exist, then writes an Area Plan that reflects its goals and priorities and describes the specific ways it intends to advance them over the course of a multi-year planning cycle. 

2023-24 AREA PLAN UPDATE revised 1.27.24.pdf

Read California State’s Master Plan for Aging here.

3. Request for Proposals

Third, AAAs conduct a procurement process (usually in the form of a Request for Proposals or RFP) to establish contracts with suitable public or private entities to deliver any Older Americans Act services that will not be provided directly by the AAA itself.

Learn more about funding opportunities on our grant opportunities page

External Reports

California Master Plan for Aging 

Aging is changing and it’s changing California. California’s over-6o population is projected to diversify and grow faster than any other age group. By 2030, 10.8 million Californians will be an older adult, making up one-quarter of the state’s population.

California’s Master Plan for Aging (MPA)affirms the priority of the health and well-being of older Californians and people with disabilities. It is a “blueprint” for state government, local government, the private sector, and philanthropy to prepare the state for the coming demographic changes and continue California’s leadership in aging, disability, and equity.

Governors Master Plan for Aging 3.4.2021.pdf