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Where We Serve

Color-coded map showing various counties such as Yolo, Sacramento, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, Placer, and Sierra.
Agency on Aging Area 4(AAA4) serves Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba counties.

Our service area includes several distinct urban and bedroom communities outside the Greater Sacramento region, including Auburn, Truckee, and Grass Valley/Nevada City to the east; the Yuba City/Marysville area to the north; Winters, Davis and Woodland to the west, and Galt to the south.  Finally, there are dozens of smaller townships and unincorporated areas scattered across the service area. In fact, there are more seniors living in rural areas in Area 4 than in any other agency on aging in California (more than 40,000).

Covering 6,578 square miles, AAA4 is one of the largest agencies of our kind in the state and among the most geographically varied. Sacramento, Sutter, Yolo, Western Placer, and Western Yuba counties are fertile lowlands where agriculture thrives; Nevada, Eastern Placer, and Eastern Yuba counties are in the foothills and mountainous areas of the Sierra-Nevada Mountain Range. The western half of Sierra County is mountainous while the eastern half is high desert. 

With varied geography comes varied weather patterns. In the summer, wildfires often threaten homes in the Sierras, and extreme heat is a concern for elderly people in the valley, particularly those unable to afford air conditioning. In the winter, lowland areas are subject to flooding, dense patchy fog can be a hazard in the foothills, and heavy snow in the high country makes roads impassable at times. The extreme geographic isolation of Downieville and Loyalton in Sierra County and of North San Juan in Nevada County make access a challenge regardless of weather.

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