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Why This Work Matters

In Sacramento County, the State has projected there will be more older people than young people by 2030. Yolo County is expected to follow suit in 2035. In rural Nevada and Sierra Counties, this shift already happened in the year 2000. Placer, Sutter, and Yuba Counties have larger proportions of kids, delaying this overall trend. By 2045, California will have more seniors than children.

By 2045, California will have more seniors than children.

In 2006, Area 4 Agency on Aging began to investigate the question of how, specifically, the aging of the Baby Boomers might impact our seven-county service area, which includes Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties. 

Authored by AAA4 Assistant Director, Will Tift, “The Dual Challenge” report is a first step toward a better regional understanding of the “Aging Boom” so that the entire community could begin to prepare for the imminent influx of older adults in an informed and organized fashion. This report attempts to answer that question based upon the best, most reliable information available for our region. 

Read the Full Dual Challenge Report

For additional resources about older adults and people with disabilities living in the U.S., please visit:

Administration for Community Living

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