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Elder Abuse + Culture

Empowering All Voices Against Elder Abuse 

Research suggests that lived experiences may impact an older person’s willingness to either report abuse or seek intervention through agencies like law enforcement or Adult Protective Services. For example, older adults who have experienced racism and oppression throughout their lives may be distrustful of agencies that they believe may place their families at risk of being discriminated against on the basis of race.

Other barriers to helpful resources include limited access to services and supports, especially those that are culturally and linguistically appropriate to the needs of specific communities. In addition, some diverse aging adults are reluctant to report family members or friends on whom they depend for housing, food, and other essential needs. Many may be embarrassed, unwilling to tell anyone that they have been abused. Others may not want to report a loved one and expose them to the criminal justice system.

We at Agency on Aging Area believe it's important to empower all voices against elder abuse.

Below you'll find some information around how culture impacts elder abuse and resources for a diverse community of aging adults, their loved ones, and their caregivers

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