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Elder Abuse: A Growing Public Health Issue

Elderly women with joyful expressions, focus on the woman in the foreground wearing a blue scarf.

Elder abuse is a critical public health issue that not only takes a heavy toll on survivors' health and emotional well-being but also accounts for higher rates of hospitalization and institutionalization, at an estimated annual cost to our nation’s healthcare system of $5.3 billion. 

The more we understand our role in preventing elder abuse, the better we can build a community in which people of all ages are safe and supported. 

The more we understand our role in preventing elder abuse, the better we can build a community in which people of all ages are safe and supported. Below are some resources to learn more.

Get The Facts on Elder Abuse 

Get The Facts on Elder Abuse
National Council on Aging

Elder Abuse: A Public Health Issue that Affects All of Us 
Elderly Abuse and Neglect on Population Health 
Abuse of Older People 

Abuse of older people
World Health Organization

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